Zÿxx, Death from Above - Assassination Rogue, PVP 6.1
E ae, povo! Puxa um banquinho e vem brincar comigo nas bgs e arenas da vida. Divirtam-se!
Greetings, everyone! Take a seat and come play with me in the bgs and arenas of life. Enjoy!
Feat. Jiraya (Ret Pally/Feral)
Feat. Golpebaixo (Disc Priest)
Obrigado por assistirem!
1 view
9 years ago 00:13:42 1
Zÿxx, Death from Above 2 - Assassination Rogue, PVP 6.1
9 years ago 00:06:29 1
Zÿxx, Death from Above - Assassination Rogue, PVP 6.1