GoProClub: Небольшая авиакатастрофа. смотр с 2+ мин можно сразу.
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The man flying the plane was unharmed, but this is a real plane crash. A friend of mine and I put 4 GoPro cameras on another friends plane. 3 of the 4 cameras recorded video. the 4th only took one picture. No cameras were broken even though he fell from about 300 ft.!!!
9 years ago 00:14:24 235
GoProClub: Crash diving under water with DJI Phantom 2 and GoPro Hero 4 Silveг. Каменск-Уральский
11 years ago 00:01:32 491
GoProClub: Небольшое сравнение GoPro3+ и GoPro3
12 years ago 00:03:56 292
GoProClub: Небольшая авиакатастрофа. смотр с 2+ мин можно сразу.