Mugai Ryu Iaido Kata - Niina Gyokudo Meishi Ha Soke at Tenshinkai Dojo Köln
It was an honor to have Niina Gyokudo Toyoaki Soke at our opening ceremony of the Mugai Ryu Europe Honbu, the Tenshinkai Dojo (former Keizankai Dojo Köln) in Köln.
Niina Soke demonstrates some Mugai Ryu Naiden and Okuden as well as Gyokushin Shinto Ryu.
The Mugai Ryu Europe federation is directly under the Soke and has dojos in Germany and the Netherlands. We teach Mugai Ryu Kata, Kumitachi / Kenjutsu and Tameshigiri.
Our dojos in Germany are located in Köln and Koblenz. The Netherland dojos are in Groni
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