Adversam - The Black Diamond Gates (Full Demo)
Band: Adversam
Album: The Black Diamond Gates (Demo)
Date: 1997/2018
Genre: Symphonic/Melodic Black Metal
Country: Italy
Reissue of demotape 1997 5 bonus tracks live 2018
Pagan Moon organization / Adversam
Buy Digital:
1.[00:00] The black diamond gates
2.[04:33] Prima Preghiera
3.[07:11] Spirito
4.[11:05] Lucifer, CrownedAvenger and Conqueror
5.[15:37] Defeat of Mankind (live)
6.[19:41] Kamanlie (live)
7.[24:37] Conqueror Worm (live)
8.[28:43] You ain’t Worth Anything (live)
9.[34:11] Lucifer, Crowned Avenger and Conqueror (live)
#SymphonicBlackMetalPromotion #MelodicBlackMetal #BlackMetal
(Authorized upload by Adversam)