Maha Pralaya - Bardo(full album)

BАRDO ~ by Maha Pralaya (full album) ~ An Ambient Prayer for this Life, the Next and the Bardos tracklist 1. Chikhai bar do (Bardo process of dying) 12:36 2. Chönyi bar do (Bardo Dharmata) 08:38 3. Sidpa bar do (Bardo Birth) 09:59 4. Kyenay bar do (Bardo of Life) 07:45 5. Milam bar do (Bardo Sleep) 08:40 6. Samten bar do (Bardo of Meditative Concentration) 05:19 7. Nibbāna (Shining emptiness) 09:36 8. Maha Pralaya & Corona Barathri - Thodol [Book Of The Dead] 10:16 Bardo - the album is dedicated to the sacred knowledge hidden in the Tibetan book of the Dead - the Journey of the Soul after Death - starting during his lifetime. ~ Wandering in the Labyrinths of Illusions, in the Bardo worlds - on the verge of Sleep and Reality, between Life and Death, in the Infinite cycle of repetition, Souls lose memory .., but Knowledge is asleep. Inside - like Grain, capable of germinating, destroying the veil of the Maya, o
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