Здравствуй путник, меня зовут Джек. 🔵
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🔸Игра в Steam:
На всякий случай, прикрепляю треки с радиостанции из игры.
🚫 All copyrights belong to their rightful owners. 🚫
🔴 If you are the author, and the distribution violates your copyright, contact us and the your audio recording will be removed within 24 hours.
🔵 Music was found and downloaded from @LWBMusic
🔸 List: 𝄞
AM 1984 - Night Sentinels
Ari Pulkkinen - Dark Shivers
Lazerpunk - Black Lambo (Quixotic remix)
- Highway
Marvel83’ - Outro
Slvmber - Slvmber - Rebel Without Applause
Tyconic - After Dark
Marvel83’ - Stellar Wind
Night Runner - Goodbye Charis