Kanha ने Ma Yashoda से मांगी फल खाने की Permission | Yashomati Maiya Ke Nandlala | श्री कृष्ण ल

Ma Yashoda arrives while Kanha is talking to someone. When she asks him the truth, he lies to her saying that he wants to eat the mango. She asks her to first go to the temple and offer the fruits to the god. They both go to the temple and they pray before the god. There, Ma Yashoda tells him about the god and answers all his questions. Watch the full episode to know more about Kanha’s childhood. Show Name: Yashomati Maiyaa Ke Nandlala Cast: Neha Sargam, Rahul Sharma, and Hitanshu Jinsi Episodes: 52-53 Producer: Abhimanyu Singh #YashomatiMaiyaaKeNandlala #YMKN #livdevotional #यशोमतीमैय्याके...नंदलाला #krishnaleela #श्रीकृष्णलीला Click here to Subscribe to LIV Devotional Channel : About Yashom
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