9a Project Climbed After 27 Years | Absolutorium 9a FA | Adam Ondra

Beckov (Slovakia) was a “fashionable” crag in the late ’80s and early ’90s. You can see this gigantic 50meter high piece of rock with a well-preserved castle on the top. In 1994, Tomáš Pilka, nicknamed Svišť (means marmot), bolted the whole line of this overhanging feature, starting from the obvious ledge 20meters above the ground. He gave it a provisional name Dlouhá trasa (Long way). Last year in June, I checked out the moves in the project. I was blown away by the beauty but could not send it anymore. I returned here after 17 months. In the meantime, Mišo Makušiniec was putting some seri...ous effort into the project. Thanks to Mišo, the project was cleaned, chalked and ready. The route is now called Absolutorium 9a (first ascent), and it is definitely one of the nicest 9a’s in former Czechoslovakia (Czechia and Slovakia have been separated since 1993). Incredible to vision to bolt this thing 27 years ago. Timecodes: 00:00 - Intro 00:10 - Richard “Riči“ Nyéki - Slovak climbing legend, talks about the p
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