All moments in this video has been recorded in 2 weeks of plays in TF2 ETF2L 3 div and UGC Platinum div and practice matches versus top EU teams like Chior Tai, turbopoop eSports, ilita PoWeR, Sandviches are Forever, Digital Cowboys, Fritzl\’s Dungeon, Trick17 etc.
12 years ago 00:08:48 224
OMFGS1nedrion Some Highlander Stabs #4
13 years ago 00:09:18 262
OMFGS1nedrion The Best of Week Spy Moments part 2
13 years ago 00:07:46 11
OMFGS1nedrion The Best of Week Spy Moments
13 years ago 00:07:48 162
OMFGS1nedrion - One Day of Play Moments
13 years ago 00:12:21 137
OMFGS1nedrion Spy Ownage Or How To Stab Many Scouts