HJ’s Talk :
Before posting my pics, make sure to pick them well, so that you won’t lose great opportunities due to your simple mistakes...
It [the concert] has just begun and you all got your cell phones
out... then, wouldn’t it be better just to watch DVD?...
well, I may not sing this song again for you in future...
This may be the last time to sing this song...
Hope you can have this in your cams, cuz this is the song
that I wanted to sing for you the most...
My tip for you is, though, that it will be best just to listen to
this song with your eyes closed...
cuz at least one of you guys will post it anyways... Mermaid...
cr. sunny
Don’t re-upload, re-edit & erase the logo!
Don’t re-make any other video using my video!
(No capture & No flash video)
Don’t move this video to everywhere that are related “We got married“
7 months ago 00:09:21 1
170726 Kimhyunjoong 김현중 - Your Story (acoustic ver.) Encore3 @ INNER CORE Kyoto