#PRSGrandRounds: Advanced Autologous Breast Reconstruction

Nicholas T. Haddock, MD, presented a #PRSGrandRounds live lecture and Q&A, “Advanced Autologous Breast Reconstruction: Technical Efficiency and Aesthetic Optimization“ on Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Facebook Live on Thursday May 23rd, 2019 at 8pm CST. Read the FREE plastic surgery literature on this subject from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Dr. Haddock received his medical degree from the University of Texas. After graduating with high honors, he obtained his residency training at New York University. He received further training in hand and microsurgery under the guidance of Scott Levin at the University of Pennsylvania. After his training, he returned back to Texas and is currently on faculty as an Associate Professor in Plastic Surgery at UT Southwestern. He is also an associate editor for the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal and lectures frequently on advanced autologous breast reconstruction and surgical efficiency in microsurgery. Over
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