Beijing chokes in duststorm amid heavy northwest winds

China’s capital and wide swathes of the country’s north have been cloaked in yellow smog as the worst sandstorm in a decade descended. Pollution levels in Beijing surged off the charts and flights were cancelled on Monday as landmarks including the Forbidden City were partly obscured by the haze of dust and sand. Residents used goggles, masks and hair nets to protect themselves from the choking air while cars and bicycles braved the roads despite the poor visibility, though some highways were partially closed. The city government ordered all schools to cancel outside sports and events and advised those with respiratory diseases to stay inside. The poor air quality was caused by a sandstorm from the Gobi desert in northern Mongolia, where authorities said it had left several dead and dozens missing. The storm was carried south to Beijing by winds, reducing visibility in the city to less than 500 metres. Authorities described it as the worst sandstorm in a decade to hit the city, compounding days of ha
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