Silent Monolith - Another Way to Fly (Full Album)

Silent Monolith - Another Way to Fly (Full Album) Silent Monolith is a retro/stoner/doom/slacker rock band from Nashville, TN. Silent Monolith are purveyors of American slacker rock. Silent Monolith are anything but silent. At least one part of the name is true – this album is an absolute slab of monolithic stoner rock! Silent Monolith are a three piece consisting of Kenneth Johnson (guitar/vocals), Nate Davenport (bass) and Brian Sawyer (drums). ‘Another Way To Fly’ is the debut release from these US rockers and it sounds monumental. Great production only serves to make this slab of beastly riffs even more massive. While they’re separated by a massive ocean, Silent Monolith bear an uncanny similarity to UK stoner rock stalwarts, Black Spiders – not a bad thing in the slightest! It’s not often a band will come along with a release where every track is an absolute winner, but Silent Monolith seem to have achieved this feat. There’s not one bad song on this album. It’s unrelentingly heavy with
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