Norwegian traditional cabin redesigned | Floating Cabin by Architect Reflects

Welcome to my new YouTube channel Architect Reflects! I’m excited to share my first video with you all called Floating Cabin. Floating Cabin is a purely conceptual project that aims to start a dialog about the essence of architecture and what it means to create a feeling. The idea behind this project came from curiosity evoked by unusual structures sprawled all around Norway. As an architect, I wanted to push the boundaries of what’s possible and create something that inspires and provokes thought about what truly matters in design. Unfortunately, nowadays, architect job way too often goes back to optimization and cost reduction that in the process simply kills the essence of architecture. Floating cabin is the response to such practice - a thought-provoking experiment where everything is possible and the only limitation is the architect’s vision. I’m thrilled to share this project with you all. This experiment is the first project in a series dedicated to experimentation with archite
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