Diluc Japanese voice ASMR edits [NSFW-ish] | Genshin Impact

Diluc’s voice actor didn’t participate in any spicy cd drama unlike other VA (tell me if you know something that I don’t), so I made this video from his phrases in anime episodes and game dialogues. These edits are from my tiktok - @?lang=en 00:00 There you are.. 0:52 pov: you’re in debt Used materials: - real Japanese voice actor Kensho Ono in * anime “Tsuredure Children“ episodes 1,4,6,8 (episodic romantic comedy, I love it), * anime “Cestvs: The Roman Fighter“ episodes 2, 11 (sports, boxing in Roman empire to buy his slave’s freedom), * some Diluc’s in-game voice lines in the dialogues - character Diluc from the game Genshin Impact - Adobe After Effects, Twitch plugin Art and music: 1) Art: eunriie, bear_nyanM, akichi_hirobiro, the last one was found on Pinterest uploaded by sanwetter, let me know if you know the artist Music: Billie Eilish - Bad guy (remix) 2) Art: QINYOU666
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