Feyln & Oliver Wickham & Tristan Klampert - Illusion

’Illusion’ lands on Colorize from Feyln, Oliver Wickham and Tristan Klampert! Stream / Buy: Listen to our Latest Releases: Making their debuts in a three-way collaboration on Colorize this week are Feyln, Oliver Wickham and Tristan Klampert. The trio brings an awe-inspiring grandeur to ’Illusion’, imbuing the track with gorgeous harmony and stellar sound design. Leading the way on the production are Feyln and Tristan Klampert, fleshing out the track with airy synth pads, tight percussion and imposing piano, while Oliver Wickham’s vocals are dreamy and resplendent in their execution. Join... us on Discord: Listen to our 24/7 YouTube radio: Connect with Colorize: Visit the Colorize Store: Follow our curated playlists on Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer:
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