4)Renault FT 17 Tank
5)Mark 4 Tank
Please Excuse us for the German Pronunciation ;)
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#aitelly #Panzer3 #tanks #military #b3d
This is the most common tank in the German army. It was one of the Key Players in the Blitzkrieg military doctrine In Africa, however, the Panzer three was by far the most common German light tank. The Panzer 3 is also known as the Panzer kamp fwagen, meaning armor battle vehicle in English. It was Upgraded and innovated to many variants Ranging from T
...racks to engine to arnaments. This is one of the many tanks that revolutionized the standardization of Equipping tanks with the Anti Tank Gun the Pak 36.
Yes That’s Right they keep on slapping Bigger and Bigger guns from the panzer 3 to the Tiger 2.
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John Harlton
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