Tamerlan (Bank Imperial) - English Subtitles

Отправляясь в поход, приказал Тамерлан каждому воину оставить у дороги камень. И вырос курган, и был огонь, и была победа. И возвращались они, и поднимали камни свои. Но остались камни... Одна из работ Тимура Бекмамбетова. About Tamerlan: Tamerlane, a Turkish conqueror, established an empire that reached from India to the Mediterranean Sea. By 1370 Transoxiana had become the first conquest of Tamerlane. He came from the Barlas tribe of Mongols, who had settled in Transoxiana in the 1200s. Originally a minor aristocrat, Tamerlane concocted a mythical descent from Genghis Khan and rose to power by an adroit combination of treachery and military genius. By 1402 he loosely controlled an empire stretching from India to the Mediterranean Sea. Tamerlane’s rise to power signaled the end of the two westernmost Mongol Khanates, the Golden Horde and the Il-Khanid dynasty of Southwest Asia. Get free IBKR stock! Eth:0xc3118a1bc7783522793fadd556b5cf2d4a8b5658 Btc: 1M6tmKF8gY5GMeC3xtSAgGnUJQbxp6TBdY Usdt:0xc3118a1bc7783522793fadd556b5cf2d4a8b5658
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