Astronavtika presentation of album “Kaleidoscope“ | Lounge Cafe Oz bar

Презентация альбома “Kaleidoscope“ в Lounge Cafe Oz bar, Орёл. Треклист: 1 - 6 hrs 7 min 2 - Aurora 3 - Stars Shine Above the Swamp 4 - Sunlight Through the Fog 5 - There Will Come Morning Warm Thoughts 6 - Towards Freedom 7 - Neva 8 - Binary Signals 9 - Above the Sky 10 - Immersion 11 - Speedlight 12 - Pulse Сетап: Access Virus B Korg R3 Korg MicroX Alesis Q49 Novation Launchpad mini hp pavillion dv5 E-MU Tracker Pre Yamaha MG102c Альбом Kaleidoscope:
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