The Schwa Sound | English Pronunciation Training

Discover why you should use the schwa sound and how in this English pronunciation training lesson. The schwa sound in English is essential for natural-sounding speech and it can help you to better understand fast English speakers. Here’s why: The schwa is used to convey the correct stress and rhythm of English. Without it, spoken English sounds robotic. Moreover, as the most common vowel sound in English, the schwa can make someone sound like a fast speaker because the schwa sound reduces the time it takes to produce a vowel sound. For natural-sounding pronunciation, the schwa is essential. In this Confident English lesson, you’ll get 2 clear rules for the schwa plus multiple uses so you can easily recognize and use it. You can find the entire lesson with additional content on the Speak Confident English website. Visit #SpeakConfidentEnglish #EnglishPronunciation #TheSchwa Chapters: 00:00 - Intro to th
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