Tasty Luosifen Noodles Recipe丨美味螺蛳粉丨4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨用鲜嫩脆爽的四月春笋,做一碗回ࡱ

Use fresh and crisp April bamboo shoots in spring to make a bowl of memorable Luosifen Noodles! The feeling of spring is the most difficult to retain since ancient times. If you missed the spring bamboo shoots in April, you are probably missing this spring. Pickled spring bamboo shoots moistened with rain. Cook a bowl of Luosifen noodles. Fresh and crisp, mellow aftertaste. The joy of eating noodle is all in this bowl. ============================================ 自古春意最难留 错过了四月的春笋,你恐怕要错过这个春天了 腌一坛雨水润泽过的春笋 煮一碗让人欲罢不能的螺蛳粉 鲜嫩脆爽,回味醇香 嗦粉儿
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