Estuary | Estuaire, Constantinople, Kiya Tabassian, setar; Ablaye Cissoko, kora; Patrick Graham

Estuary | Estuaire KIYA TABASSIAN, SETAR ABLAYE CISSOKO, KORA PATRICK GRAHAM, PERCUSSION Estuaire; là où les eaux douces et salées se rencontrent et s’entremêlent; là où le fleuve retrouve l’océan. Des plus petits ruisseaux jusqu’aux océans, tout est inter-connecté et inter-lié, tel nos destins, nos actions et nos histoires. Estuary; where fresh and salt waters meet and mingle; where the river reunites with the ocean. From the smallest streams to the oceans, everything is interconnected and intertwined, like our destinies, our actions, and our stories. Follow us on / Rejoignez-nous sur: Facebook: / ensembleconstantinople Instagram: Spotify: Site web: Filmed in Conques, France (March 2024) Images and editing: Ahyoka Production Audio: Ross Murray
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