BEST OF UNPOSSIBLE showcases some of the best designs I’ve seen in this fantastic game. Below are the honored designers and their contraption URL’s:
BOOM by Blackose632
Scissor Lift by SuperTails
Best Unpossible by mountolive56
The Whip by MBM
unpossible by 12thSkyline
Kesti Tunti by Ryan11mingos
wqad by shadownja
Spear Thrower by 1/2ling
Swing by 74108520
Elevator by 1w2w3w4w5
Wall Crawler by tnt444
Whoops by pseudostryph
UnpossiMobile 2 by ElloXP
Smart Car by T3H DUD3
Ununpossible by brassgecko
Safe Landing by mod2
Unpossible by Joreme
complecated by Mopy104
Biggest Fluke by daCrusa Der91
direct hit by tay 800
asuh by shadownja
Ramp Swing by badboyschatz
my pills by mousxaros
green solution by Daniel,,
The Glich by engineer80
Car Lift by Zed11
im pro by joshpwns (water only)
solved 5piece solution by Empirical (& Kalma)
Umpossible Long by (1 gandalf 55. Original design by 1 gandalf 55, partially rebuilt by kdausman, and finally solved by 1 gandalf 55)
Waffle’s Unposs Longway Solution by Waffle12996 (youtube) or Wafflekins (Fantastic Contraption Forum). Waffle built this long-way solution on a dare from me (ground37). I admit, it’s elegant, quick and very cool.
While it is my intent to give credit the correct individual for each design, the listed names may not always have the original inventor. If you know who the original inventor is, please email me a personal message and I’ll update this list.
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