ENG SUB《走进你的记忆 Walk into Your Memory》EP13——主演:宋妍霏,赵志伟 | 腾讯视频-青春剧场

▶Download “WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)“ APP to watch more episodes ▶Join Facebook group to chat about WeTV dramas ▶Join Tencent Video & WeTV VIP Group : ▶Welcome to subscribe and enjoy more OST 《走进你的记忆》讲述了能够看到他人记忆的女厨师安宁(宋妍霏饰),帮助莫名丧失一年记忆的上司龙皓谦(赵志伟饰)找回记忆的故事,在这过程中,相看生厌的两个人,发生了一系列啼笑皆非的故事,也因此逐渐重新认识了对方,发现了对方身上的闪光点,最终打破身份的枷锁,相知相爱。 ▶主演:宋妍霏,赵志伟,钟祺,汪卓成,吴恙,魏巍 【Synopsis】A chef’s assistant helps her boss regain one year’s worth of memories. Throughout the process, they come to understand, help and love each other. An Ning is a cook who can see other people’s memories. When her boss Long Haoqian mysteriously loses memories from one year of his life, she starts to help him find the missing pieces. Initially at odds with each other, a series of amusing events bring them closer together. 【Starring】Song Yanfei, Zhao Zhiwei 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《你给我的喜欢 The Love You Give Me》: ♥《只是结婚的关系 Once We Get Married》: ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien S2》: ♥《爱的二八定律 She and Her Perfect Husband》: ♥《余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love》: ♥《致我们暖暖的小时光 Put Your Head On My Shoulder》: ♥《我的小确幸 My Little Happiness》: ♥《程序员那么可爱 Cute Programmer》: 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: ☞腾讯视频OST精选: ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: ☞ 企鹅大影院: ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: ☞ WeTV Vietnam: ☞ WeTV Indonesia: ☞ WeTV Thailand: ☞ WeTV English: ☞ WeTV 台灣: ☞ WeTV Spanish: ☞ WeTV Arabic: ☞ WeTV Turkish: ☞ WeTV Korea: ☞ WeTV Russian: ☞ WeTV Portuguese: ☞ WeTV Malaysia: #走进你的记忆 #WalkintoYourMemory #ChineseDrama
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