Knockout City Season 4 — Alien Invaders Launch Trailer

Season 4 is coming to Knockout it’s bringing some new friends. Friends from out of town. Far out of town. You might even say they’re out of this world. ALIENS! Roll out the welcome mat or warm up your throwing shoulder: Knockout City™ Season 4: Alien Invaders begins on December 7! It started with whispers of aliens invading our fair city and abducting brawlers. That was before Police Commissioner Chase and the Knockout City Defense Force were on the case, trying to keep our city safe. Some say that Chase is taking it too far, with too much aggression. And with rumors of black-suited Brawlers making an appearance, it’s hard to keep this tangled web of tentacles straight. Investigate a new map: the Alien Smash Site at the Overland Farms! And by investigate I mean pelt ‘em with dodgeballs while enjoying the map’s fly new traversal system: UFO Saucers that brawlers can hover around the map, or abduct dodgeballs from below right into their you brawlers like heights: the farm is floating
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