Vedic Engineering to create anything from an empty box - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Vedic Engineering to create anything from an empty box - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1. Dr. Hagelin: There are wonderful questions from the press today-questions of knowledge, questions of great practicality as well. The first is a question of clarification of Maharishi’s concept of Vedic engineering. Maharishi defined Vedic engineering last week as a miraculous process where “you think, and your skill of thinking engages all the laws of nature necessary to bring fulfillment to your aspiration.“ What is the connection between Transcendental Meditation and Vedic engineering? Is Transcendental Meditation, in fact, a form of Vedic engineering, or is some other mental skill required? 2. Vedic engineering is a complete approach to engage total Natural Law. 3. Study of Engineering gives the ability to create any desired structure. 4. Master of engineering would mean to have in our lively awareness, all those innumerable facets that construct the universe and th
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