My typewriter runs Linux

Even though typewriters have largely become obsolete, nothing can replace the amazing sound they make when you type on them. I wouldn’t want this beautiful typewriter from the 80s to end up in a landfill, so I’m turning it into a computer! I’ve hooked up a Raspberry Pi to my typewriter using two multiplexers controlled by an Arduino. Right now it basically just acts like a teletype or teleprinter, but in the next video I’ll attach a keyboard to it so I don’t need to have it attached to my laptop. In this video I show off the features of the Linux terminal, print some ASCII art, and show you how it all works! GitHub repository: Chapters: 00:00 Intro 1:28 Terminal Demo 3:43 ASCII Art 4:21 Hardware 5:49 Software 6:39 Conclusion 6:57 Typewriter ASMR Sources: Typewriter picture from intro: ASCII art:
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