Hanbojutsu: Ashi Dori, 足捕り catching the leg | Kukishin Ryu Stick Fighting
This is the first of the defense techniques against kicking, fromt he Kukishin Ryu Hanbojutsu Kihon, stick fighting basics.
Tori will begin facing the uke in katayaburi no kamae. From this position, uke will kick to the to tori’s chest. Tori will shift to their left side and throw the weapon upward in a counter-clockwise direction, striking under the opponent’s kicking leg to the kobura (0:21).
An important point to this strike is that the arm is extended straight and the weapon is along the fore-arm.
From this point, tori will quickly shift their weight back to the right and rotate the weapon upward and to the inside of the uke’s leg, trapping their lower leg at the kyusho (0:32). Tori will bring the weapon onto the inside of the shin bone and re-secure the weapon with their left hand, locking the leg.
Tori will then drop down onto the left knee dropping the opponent onto their back, while restraining the uke for three seconds and then release the inside hand, flipping the weapon around so that the tip of the hanbo is pointed at the opponent’s eyes. Tori will stand slowly and walk away to katayaburi no kamae.
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1 year ago 00:02:00 2
Hanbojutsu: Ashi Dori, 足捕り catching the leg | Kukishin Ryu Stick Fighting