Karaoke Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta Nara - Yumi Arai (Yumi Matsutoya) No Guide Melody Romanized
EdKara aims to be the most enjoyable Karaoke channel on youtube.
Music: Covered by EdKara
Photo: Taken by EdKara
Original: Embraced In Softness / Yasashisa Ni Tsutsumareta Nara
Kiki’s Delivery Service ED 魔女の宅急便 エンディングテーマ
With guide melody ver. (Japanese) Without pitch bar
No guide melody ver. (Japanese) Without pitch bar
No guide melody ver. (Japanese) With pitch bar
★BGM the Greatest Hits (Sounds sticky, catchy, comfortable)
★J-POP Karaoke(Romanized)
★K-POP Karaoke
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Q: Can I use EdKara’s audio on my Youtube channel?
A:Sure, but follow the terms & condition .
A.はい、使用条件 をお守りの上ご利用ください。
#romanized #KikisDeliveryService #studioghibli