Jewelled Gecko (Naultinus gemmeus) - moko kākāriki 綠寶石守宮

Discover New Zealand’s beautiful natural treasure, or taonga, the Jewelled Gecko (Naultinus gemmeus). 探索紐西蘭美麗的自然寶藏——綠寶石守宮 On a recent trip home to Aotearoa to visit family, I took the time to go film some of these beautiful green lizards. 在最近一次回紐西蘭探親時,我抽空拍攝了一些美麗的綠寶石守宮。 Here is a short video introducing some of the life and ecology of moko kākāriki. 這是一個簡短的影片,介紹了綠寶石守宮的一些生活和生態。 Carey Knox Flickr: @N05/
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