Parliament Looks Back 700 Years (1965)

Parliament looks back 700 years. London. L/S Westminster Hall. M/S Elevated interior Commonwealth Prime Ministers arriving in the hall. L/S Commonwealth legislators arriving in the Hall. L/S Members of royal family walking down steps to take their places. L/S Guests stand up as Queen Elizabeth II arrives. L/S Queen walks down steps to take her place with the Duke of Edinburgh. L/S as they all sit down. L/S Members of royal family seated. M/S Members of royal family seated. Left to right - Queen Mother, Princess Margaret, Lord Snowdon (Anthony Armstrong-Jones). Duke of Gloucester, Princess Marina, Princess Alexandra and Angus Ogilvy. M/S Mr Speaker walks up steps and presents the Queen with the Address from the House of Commons and then walks backwards down steps. M/S The Duke watching. L/S Guests watching. L/S More guests watching. L/S as the Queen starts to speak. The Queen talks about the importance of Parliament in British past and continuing importance in the future. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM
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