FUEL Series 30 Min NO REPEAT Full Body Workout | Day 29

No repeat but as always, this doesn’t mean random movements ‘thrown together’… these exercises are programmed to provide intensity to a group of muscles but rest to that area at other times… even though no repeat, it will consist of repetitional reps towards those muscles! For this workout, you will need some dumbbells, your mat, a chair for Bulgarian lunges and a stepper/yoga block/wedge for heel elevated squats. I also use 2 yoga blocks for deeper push ups but you can absolutely perform regular push ups or use push-up bars to deepen the range if you like! The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 2 x 10kg! The timer will be on for a majority of the work 45 seconds of work with 15 seconds of rest! However, when we are on the mat for the abs specific, the timer will be 60 seconds per exercise with no specific rest in between! PRESS SQUAT TO PRESS CLEAN TO SQUAT TO PRESS CLEAN TO SQUAT SQUAT WALL SIT MARCH DIAMOND PRESS FLYES PALMS FAC
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