(Airsoft) Landmine S-Thunder (Water)

Quick show of the S-Thunder Water landmine. YES, YOU CAN REUSE IT. Very fun to use. When you put your foot on the button, the mechanism is “armed“. Then, when you release your foot, the water is spread all over the place. The good thing is that you don’t get wet too much. I’m not sure every airsoft player would be happy to bet totally wet, especially when they have an AEG in hands. But it’s okay, it does not spread too much water on you. It uses one CO2 cartridge for each “explosion“. The only question I have in mind is : how can I use it ? I mean, it’s kind of big, it’s not easy to hide. I guess you need to burry it a little bit, then hide it with grass or stuff. You can buy it, for example, on Redwolf Airsoft, for 35 USD.
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