Old Byzantine Ikos of Pentecost

From Contacarium Ashburnhamense - XIII century Compared with Cantacarium from BNF Transcription - Evgeny Skurat The Ikos, Tone 8 Grant speedy and steadfast consolation unto Thy servants, O Jesus, when our spirits are become despondent. Depart not from our souls when they be in afflictions, nor be Thou afar from our minds when they be in tribulations, but do Thou ever go before us. Draw nigh unto us, draw nigh, O Thou Who art everywhere present; and even as Thou wast ever with Thine apostles, so also do Thou unite Thyself to them that long for Thee, O Compassionate One, that, being one with Thee, we may praise and glorify Thine All-Holy Spirit.
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