Pro-palestine Activists Arrested In Kenya

As the global push for not only a ceasefire, but a permanent and just resolution to the oppression of Palestinians, picks up pace, Kenya is pulling the other way. Several organisers were arrested 14 October in Nairobi for illegal assembly and for possession of a Palestinian flag. Both activities are, however, legal under Kenyan law. The organisers were released later in the day, with no charges booked. We spoke to one of the conveners, Mr Diop (not his real name due to the politically sensitive nature of the subject) of the Kenya for Palestine organisation. He calls the arrests a ploy to intimidate pro-Palestine organising. However, he adds, it has only hardened activists’ resolve and solidarity with Palestine. This is not an isolated incident, as Kenya has a history of pulling in the opposite direction of the continent. After the 7 October escalation in the Gaza Strip, the Kenyan government stated it stood with Israel. Decades ago, Kenya supported apartheid South Africa, with Kenya’s former pre
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