20 MUST KNOW Drum Beats From FAMOUS Rock Songs (Beginner To Advanced!)

Here are 20 must know drum beats from famous rock songs! Which one is your favorite?? Download all of the notation here! 👉 -------------------------------------------------------------- I grew up listening to so many different rock drummers that came up with the coolest rock beats. Neil Peart, Travis Barker, Danny Carey, and Dave Grohl have all had such a dramatic influence on the drum community. These drummers we’re such an inspiration to me on the drum set, so I figured I’d teach YOU all of these famous rock beats in todays drum lesson SUBSCRIBE for more drum lessons! ⚙️ ALL MY DRUM GEAR ⚙️ ► 👇 My Exact Soundproofing Setup With Audimute (Get 10% OFF Using Links Below) Front wall (with logo) Acoustiwood: Acoustic Panels: Back Wall (behind drumset) Acousticolor (black): Strata - Cityscape (black): Another cheap and e
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