THE NEW schutzhund IPO IGP BH BH-VT Exam Routine 2025 After Rule Change
at 39 seconds, when the handler halts, they should NOT take off the lead it should be kept on, and should also do the group with the leash on then the lead should be removed before the start of the positions
Heeling on Leash 30 points
Execution: At the beginning of the obedience exercise, the handler and the dog must
present themselves to the judge. This is done with the dog on leash. The handler will
report to the judge his/her name, the name of the dog and the examination they are
reporting in for. After the judge’s instruction, the handler and his/her dog go to the
start position. On further instruction from the judge, the handler starts the exercise.
From a straight, calm and attentive basic position, the dog follows the handler
attentively, joyfully, straight and quickly on the voice command for “Heel“. The
shoulder blade of the dog must always remain in position at knee height on the
handler’s left side and when the handler stops the dog must sit independently,
quickly, and straight. At the beginning of the exercise the handler walks straight
ahead with his dog for about 50 paces without stopping. After the about turn and
another 10 to 15 normal steps the handler shows the running pace and the slow pace
(both about 10 - 15 steps each) with the verbal command for “Heel“. The transition
from the running pace to the slow pace and back to the normal pace must be carried
out without intermediate steps. After the last 10-15 normal steps the team makes a
halt. Now the handler and dog go into a group of at least 4 moving people. In the
group the handler and the dog must go around one person on the left and one
person on the right and stop once in the group. On instruction by the judge the
handler and the dog return to the starting point and assume the basic position. This is
also the starting point for the next exercise.
Evaluation criteria:
Running ahead, lateral deviation, staying behind, slow or hesitant sitting, additional
verbal commands, body aids, faults in the start position, inattention, lack of
enthusiasm/motivation as well as depressed behaviour and lack of confidence of the
dog lead to a corresponding devaluation.
Sit exercise: 10 points
From the basic position and on the verbal command for heeling, the team walks in a
straight line at a normal gait for about 10-15 steps after which the handler gives the
verbal command for sitting. The handler may remain with the dog until it has taken the
position and walks in the same normal gait or may walk without waiting for the dog to
have taken the sit position. The handler proceeds straight ahead in the same normal
gait for about another 15 steps away from the dog, stops, turns around and returns to
the dog on the judge’s command.
Evaluation criteria:
Faults include: Slow sitting, restless and inattentive sitting will be penalized
accordingly in addition to other faulty behaviour. If the dog stands or lies down, the
exercise will be penalized with an additional 50% of the total exercise points. For a
dog that does not respond to the 2nd additional verbal command, the exercise is to
be marked as “insufficient” (ZERO). In this case the dog may be picked up and the
rest of the examination may be continued.
Down with recall: 10 points
From the start position and on the verbal command for heeling, the team walks in a
straight line at a normal gait for about 10 -15 steps after which the handler gives the
verbal command for down. The handler may remain with the dog until it has taken the
down position or may walk without waiting for the dog to have taken the down position.
The handler proceeds straight ahead at the same normal gait for about another 20
paces, stops, turns to the dog and on instruction of the judge calls the dog to him/her.
The dog must sit in front of the handler and is then given the command to take the
basic position. The dog may either go around the handler or go directly into the basic
position. At the end of the exercise, the dog is put on the leash and led to the exercise
“down under distraction“ or to the report-out.
Evaluation criteria:
Faults include: Slow laying down, restless and/or inattentive behavior while in the
down, a slow recall, assistance from the handler such as standing with legs apart, in
addition to other misbehaviours, lead to corresponding devaluation. If the dog sits or
stands, the exercise is decreased by an additional 50% of the total exercise. For a
dog that does not respond to the 2nd additional verbal command, the exercise is to
be marked as “insufficient” (ZERO). In this case the dog may be picked up and the
rest of the examination may be continued.
Down under distraction: 10 points
In the basic position the dog is given the verbal command for down. After the dog has
assumed the down position, the handler moves away for about 10 meters, stops, and
stands sideways of the dog.
Evaluation criteria:
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