QEMU An Outrage (1998) at Game Preservation -- From Install to Play in 15 mins
Outrage (1998) by NMS Software Ltd. a futuristic racing game and underrated Wipe-out clone. There wasn’t a lot of information about this Game and it wasn’t even sure if this Game had ever managed a release milestone. According to The Collection Chamber article [ ] it was a Ghost of a game.
Nevertheless, QEMU featuring qemu-3dfx had no issue at all restoring the Game in full glory & playability on modern machines. Played at maximum Details Level, Draw Distance and Sky Layers, with background CD music and high-resolution up-stretched rendering, there was lots of FUN with retro 3D graphics and lighting effects. Oh Yeah, “the other camp“ JUNK PC emulator can play the game, too, according to the Mighty VOGONS Moderator [ ] and it had better results than VPC and VMware. Competitions are great, just wonder how it would match QEMU featuring qemu-3dfx. After all, it has been an Outrage at Game Preservation on VOGONS forums, purging all knowledge archives of qemu-3dfx. For such an unprofessional act of deleting posts, it is a shame of “V-O-G-O-N-S“ forums for what it called for. Good LUCK at building retro PCs, paying for STUPID and marked-up prices for junkyard PC parts for yet another Retro PCs under the desk. Or hoping for a source-port ever made for a Ghost of a game such as this one??!!🤣🤣
For qemu-3dfx, there is absolutely no rubbish Emulation talks about overclocked CPU, disabling CPU SMT & power management or the HOAX of games played great at low-res, low-details at 640x480 with “freaking fast“ Voodoo emulation but without CD music. QEMU featuring qemu-3dfx brings no \**BS*\* in Game Preservation with strong believes in CPU Virtualization & GPU Acceleration for retro gaming on modern PCs with Games in “pristine condition“.
As always, a BIG THANK YOU for all supporting the project and Game Preservation. Happy Chinese Lunar New Year & Gong Xi Fa Cai for those who celebrate this day.
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