#07 - How To Emulate Firmware With QEMU - Hardware Hacking Tutorial
If you have successfully identified some interesting executable binary in the firmware file of your device, and if you want to run it or reverse engineer it in a debugging friendly, reverse-engineering friendly, emulation environment, this is the video for you!
We will talk about using QEMU as an emulation environment, reasonably similar to our device, where to run, debug, and reverse engineer interesting device executable binaries.
“QEMU“, can “Quick EMUlate“ hundreds of different CPU architectures, and it is the most important building block of our emulation environment.
We want to have an emulation environment that can run the device executable binaries we are interested in, this means that our emulation environment must have, at least, the same CPU architecture and instruction set as our device.
There is a fantastic, Open Source, software, that can emulate hundreds of different boards with hundreds of different CPU architectures, and it is also very efficient e quite fast in this emulation, it is QEM
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