Urethrostomy for ruptured urethra in a kid/#retention of urine in kid/#tube cystostomy in kid
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#skuast jammu
#bakare me peshab ruk gaya kya kare
#peshab band ka ilaj
#retention of urine in goat
#bakare peshab nahi kar raha kya kare
#tube cystostomy karane ke baad sujan ho gayee
#peshab band hone ke baad perineal region me soojan ho gayee
#urethrostomy in a goat for the retention of urine after tube cystostomy
This is a video of urethrostomy procedure in a male goat which was operated for retention of urine one month back but due to blockage of Foley’s catheter, there was rupture of urethra and swelling occurred in postscrotal area and even pre-scrotal area. Such cases only manage by making a permanent opening in perineal region i.e. urethrostomy. In ruminants, in general distal to urethrostomy site, we remove the penis i.e. penectomy.
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