Geometric Origin of the Christian Cross in the Easter Egg
I am here inthe Southern Hemisphere and Easter Time is our entry into Autumn Equinox, whereday and night are equal. Though, Easter Time in the Northern Hemisphere isactually the Spring Equinox, a symbol of renewal, fertility, and the resurrectionof Jesus. Thousands of years ago, we had pagan societies like the Saxons andother tribes like the Norse or Vikings. They were conquered by Charlemagne aroundthe time of 777AD who Christianized the new kingdoms and absorbed many of theirsacred celebrations, to keep the peace between warring tribes, like the EasterSpring Equinox and Summer Solstices and new and full moon festivals and eventhe Xmas sacred day. In summary, the ancient pagan “Springtime” happened tocoincide with the Christian Resurrection of Jesus, and was known as the Paschalholy , our words like “Estrogen” are etymologically derivedfrom these ancient times symbolic of rebirth and fecundity.
In a previous post I showed the 4 Arc Construction of the PhiEgg how the overall construction, fitting into a specific rectangle was in the sacredratio of 1:… known as theGolden Root, but it is only an approximation and it is based on EuclidianMathematics, meaning that this Egg shape was constructed by using a compass anda set-square or rule. In this article I will show how Viktor Shauberger andCallum Coats explain that the True Egg is in a Golden Proportion but is theextruded from a slice of the 3-dim Tonal Tower hyperbolic curve and that thisPhi Egg is deemed to be Non-Euclidean because it cannot be drawn by hand, itcannot be drawn by a compass and ruler, as the curvature is changing all thetime from degree to micro-degree. To illustrate both methods:
Method 1: the Phi Egg Constructed with 4 Arcs (from Russian mathematicalmanuscripts 100 years ago) whose internal Cross approximates the Golden Root of1:… known as theSquare Root of the Golden Ratio …, and
Method 2: the Phi Egg Generated from a Critical Slice of the HarmonicTonal Tower in 3-dim. This will reveal the True Egg of Creation, from which alllife evolves from, based on Non-Euclidean Geometry, because it can not be drawnby human hands with Compass and or Set Square.
I will redraw the original Phi Egg Lesson, that involved the story of Jack andthe Bean Stalk, and make one important change: To highlight the Christian Crossin its approximate Divine Phi Proportion, I am inverting or reversing thesketch of the geometry, to make it appear upright, as it should be.
Referring to the 2nd diagram on the right hand side, basically, wewant to calculate the longer verticaldistance of L-O-V-E divided by the shorter horizontal distance of G-O-D and getclose to a value of …
To achieve this, we need to know 2 lengths: GV and EV.
The Length of GV involves using Pythagoras’ Theorem to achieve a length of .707… (being the Square Root 2 divided by 2).
The shorter Length EV just requires a bit of simple logic, no need to usePythagoras’ Theorem. We see that BG is the same as the diameter of the UnitCircle thus BG = AD. Since VE = AB = AV we learn that EV = (1 minus GV)
= (1 minus .707…) = .293…We now have enough information to determine that the lengthof the vertical axis of the cross L-O-V-Eis … and since the length ofthe shorter axis G-O-D is 1 unit we observe that the ratio of the longer to theshorter axes is … / 1= …This value of … is very close to the value of the Golden …
Knowing that … x … = …we can conclude that the hidden Internal Cross within the Egg of Creation is aHarmonic of the Divine Phi Proportion … Also, L-O-V-E divided by the longer vertical segment OE = … which is another approximation to Phi … since this is Euclidean Geometry, the TrueEgg Phi Cross can only be hidden inside the Non-Euclidean Cross sliced from the3-dimensional Harmonic Tonal Tower aka Hyperbolic Cone of Viktor Schauberger,where n x 1/n = 1. Jain 108
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