Arts/Sciences#14: Malcolm Le Grice - Spectator, Presence and Encounter

Malcolm Le Grice is a film and video artist. He has written critical and theoretical works including a history of experimental cinema Abstract Film and Beyond (1977) and numerous articles on film, video and digital media. Many of these have been collected and published under the title Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age (2001). In this Arts/Sciences lecture, Malcolm Le Grice will concentrate especially on the relationship between Art and Technology, from a general historical point of view and including his own personal experience. In particular, he will examine the development of art focusing on the machine, as in Kinetic Sculpture and in the special development of Photography, Film, Video and Digital technology. Finally, Malcom Le Grice will take up the idea that there is one constant factor in this history: the Spectator, Presence and the moment of Encounter. This last topic is central to the Acts of Presence exhibition at iMAL, in the framework of which this lecture also takes place
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