
村里家家户户都会在房前屋后种一些常吃的蔬菜佐料,常用的葱姜蒜苗必不可少,撇菜根、薄荷、老缅香菜也不例外……我们家爱吃撇菜根,是随了奶奶的习惯,她喜欢啥菜都要加点,生撇菜根有蒜和辣椒的味道,煮熟的撇菜根软糯中带有淡淡的清甜。这属于大家最不熟悉的云南佐料之一了……加上一个月前腌制的撇菜鲊,秋冬里吃起来味道正好~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. We usually plant some common vegetables and spices around our houses. Besides the commonly seen shallots, gingers and garlic, we also plant wild chive roots, mints and Burmese cilantro. We all enjoy wild chive roots as it’s passed down from grandma. She prefers to eat almost every dish with some wild chives. Raw wild chives taste like garlic and chilies, while cooked wild chives are soft and slightly sweet. It is one of the least common Yunnan spices. I also marinaded some wild chives a month ago. Now it’s just the right time to enjoy them as well. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,如果你喜欢&
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