Jihad vs. Crusade - Holy Wars in Comparative Perspective
This video is a modest attempt to clarify some widespread misconceptions about Islamic and Christian Holy Wars. The scope of Islamic expansionism after the death of Mohammed and its effects on the conquered societies are truly unappreciated, while the Crusades are routinely used as an apologetic device for Islamic imperialism or to suggest that Christian doctrine is just as prone to producing violence as Islamic teachings. If it matters to anybody I am an agnostic and this video is not intended as religious propaganda of any kind, it only wishes to emphasize the need for historical accuracy on these matters, and more broadly, the need for a healthy degree of self-respect and moral clarity in a time ravaged by debilitating moral relativism and historical guilt.
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A note on sources:
Battle maps and general outline borrowed from a part of the following lecture by Bill Warner:
Map of dead and injured in Islamic terrorist attacks borrowed from
Bernard Lewis quotes taken from the book “From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East“, Oxford University Press 2004, and “Jihad vs. Crusade“, Wall Street Journal, September 27th, 2001.
Theodore Roosevelt quote from “Fear God and Take Your Own Part“ George H. Doran Company, 1916,
Douglas Murray quote taken from his speech “What are we to do about Islam?“ at the Pim Fortuyn Memorial Conference on Europe and Islam.
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7 months ago 00:23:23 1
Джихад Юнусов vs. Рамазан Кишев | Dzhihad Yunusov vs. Ramazan Kishev | WFCA 53