One step closer to having SPI running... I will use a Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) to generate SPI signals. In this video, I update my I/O decode logic, add a VIA, and get a basic test program running to verify the output. I also pick up on the speed on the system and identify an issue with start speed that I will need to address in a future video.
1 year ago 00:21:59 1
Мой ПК из 1999 - 386DX 40. Во что играли и как шел DOOM?
1 year ago 00:17:55 1
80386 DX Build, Ep. 21 - IDE Interface & FreeDOS
1 year ago 00:18:30 1
80386 DX Build, Ep. 17 - Faster Clock, SPI Working