Boys’ Vocational Boarding School C 1920s Part 1 (1920-1929)

Does not correspond to WPA record - check against index. Education. Shaftesbury Homes’ vocational boarding school for boys; c. 1920s. Founded by one of the Earls of Shaftesbury. Good shots of boys playing cricket. Boys’ football. Boys working in garden: 3 in FG hoeing; while others on ladders pick fruit from trees. Gymnasium. One line of boys jumping over a sort of hurdle c. 3’ high ; while others swing across room on hanging rings & a kid in back climbs rope. Next; fire drill at dormitory. Boys all in their beds; set up in rows in one large room. They jump out; pull short pants w/ braces over their night shirts; grab shoes; etc. and hurry to window. Exterior shot: long cloth chute is dropped out and hangs down from window. The first 2 boys somehow manage to slowly slip down; pushing out on the sides of the chute. Then they hold the bottom out for the others so that it’s like a slide. Boys washing up at row of sinks: they strip shirts off; wash hands; arms; bend over & wash their hair. Boys brushing teet
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