Onedrop Declares: codeZAMMY #2

Onedrop Declares: codeZAMMY #2. Warning: May cause a sensation of feeling awesome, wanting to yoyo, and be a super hero. This video shares older tricks that I have done in the past using the new Onedrop Code2: Nautilus. The editing is basic, the music is fast drumstep that will get you really in the mood to throw! The tricks are almost all sequal tricks from the first codeZAMMY video done last year in July. Due to Onedrop’s owner David and Shawn, they let me borrowed a Gopro hero 2 for me to experiment and fiddle around with. So far this is what I have been able to do with it and I am hoping that once I get used to it even more, I shall start making tutorials with this. So enjoy the sequal to the original codeZammy!
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