How to Create a Super Simple Bootloader, Part 3: Developing the Boot Code

Find out more information: Development board used: STM32CubeIDE quick start guide: Learn how to create your STM32-based application using STM32CubeIDE and use its Linker Script to create segments of memories, place variables in RAM and FLASH, allocate functions in the desired memory region, and even how to share code between your application and custom bootloader. The STM32CubeIDE is be used to create a super simple bootloader, after covering the basics of the linker script and evolves into creating an application that runs after the bootloader starts in a different portion of the memory. This video series also shows how to debug Bootloader and Application simultaneously and how to create a static library shared between both projects. Benefits you will take away: • Understand the basics of the linker script • Understand how to place variables in RAM and FLASH • Understand how to create functions in RAM
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