UE4 Rope using Bones and Physics Constraints in Unreal Engine 4 & Blender Chain Tutorial How To
In this step by step Unreal Engine 4 and Blender tutorial video (UE4 how to) you will learn how to create a rope using physics constraints and bones. This shows also how to rig it in Blender.
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Rigged rope meshes:
How to attach the rope to an object:
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00:00 Overview
02:42 Rope Structure Description
03:56 Skeletal Mesh Creation in Blender
10:38 Importing Skeletal Mesh in UE4
11:25 Generate Physics Bodies
13:00 Configure Physics Bodies
14:26 Configure Physics Constraints
15:51 Rope Test
16:17 Limitations
18:35 Rope Weight Discussion
21:13 Calibrating Rope Properties
27:41 Elastic Rope
31:11 Attempt at Rigid Rope
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