What Makes Animal Crossing on GameCube Special in 99 secs.
A look at exclusive features and cool details that make the GameCube version of Animal Crossing special and 99 seconds. Includes events like the sports fair and cherry blossom festival, unique features like a double-bridged mini-island and three-tier towns, daily occurrences like the glowing spot, basic functions like dropping multiple items at once or displaying a pattern on your door, details like Pete flying off after delivering mail, and more. All shown in rapid-fire succession.
For a longer look at most of these features, check out 31 Animal Crossing Features That Never Returned:
For a less positive look at the game, see 5 Things I Hate About Animal Crossing on GameCube:
To see 43 GameCube villagers that haven’t returned, see
For 12 bugs and fish from this game that didn’t return, see